Palak StudioInk

My name is Palak Dhorajiya; and I am obsessed with creating imaginative art. Growing up in India, I always had a passion for art. At the time, I would make time within my busy schedule as a full time student to attend workshops and art class. However, as time passed, education became my major priority. I relocated to Calgary, Canada to pursue a career in Interior design. My art journey was the sacrifice; and I almost let it slip. But passionate dreams leave you restless as I soon discovered. Because, during the COVID pandemic, I suddenly had lots of free time to pursue my passion. And I did, by learning a new form of art called “Alcohol inks”.

It was as though I recovered a hidden power of mine, and I could not stop making beautiful pieces. My mother’s words of encouragement echoed continuously in my head. Combined with my art tutor’s inspirational pieces, I decided to take art seriously. Self-taught and art-obsessed, I somehow discovered my passion for teaching. Why don’t I provide art classes to people who needed guidance? And so I dove headfirst into an art career that I never imagined possible.

Although I have a Bachelors degree in Interior design and earned a Post-graduation certificate in kitchen and bath design, my art skills were developed individually and innately. I was made for this. When clients ask for custom pieces, I create a story in every piece; a story that connects seamlessly with their emotions. My paintings can be found in many residential areas; one of my new displays will also appear in Calgary flooring designs in Calgary.

Palak StudioInk's Owner Palak Dhorajiya

An artist cannot fail, it is a success to be one.

Charles Cooley



I cherish an open network. You may request for a custom piece, display my art in your space or join my art classes. Some people are destined for art; I believe I am one of them. Your imaginations are 100% safe with me. Don’t wait any longer, reach out to me and let me show you a world of Unimaginable Creative Art…

Own A Special Piece From My Art Studio in Calgary

Looking for the perfect gift? Look no further than my art collection at Palak StudioInk. I exhibit ready-made pieces for purchase, and make custom art pieces based on your needs. Every painting tells a unique story; your friend, family or partner would greatly appreciate the beautiful swirls of paintbrushes on my exquisite art pieces.